Good work on the winged figure! I took your advice and played around with
it. It looks like a native winged madonna to me.
To me it has a strong native or Inca face and a breast so is a mother and
holding a child that seems to also be winged. The lake is in the right place
as nonpolarized memory in the back of the head. I tried to sense the energy
flow above the head so sketched in some lines there. I also found a serpent
so have a winged-being with serpent archetype. That prompted looking for
"staffs" or leys. As it turns out that area seems to centralize at least
several leys connecting Crestone (7th chakra of 12 in the Ascension Grid)
and a cathedral in Tucson (etc.), Taos (a local holy area) and the main
cultural/eco area in Phoenix, the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe with Pine,
Arizono where the 1st TEMPLA MAR is located (I don't know the exact
position, on public land and buried),
There seems to be a ball of energy over the Child's head. The Heart ley from
the Ramah heart links with Jackson Hole in the Tetons (Heart chakra of the
Ascension Grid) goes through Ship Rock or "Rock with Wings" in Navaho.
Ramah in Hebrew meanis to "rise up, exalt self", among other things.
PURPOSE? Concerted mental focus can create a grid form. This one seems to be
an interface for a number of sites in the US South west, linking to the
vital 4-Corners and using a Native format. (The 2nd Longest Walk by all the
Tribes/Nations is now enroute.) This larger area is the "City of the Risen"
in the Reshel Bakhira Grid that locks onto the 1st Templa Mar in the Pine
area on the Mogollon Rim. The Bakhira Grid is one of several major themes in
the Sept. workshop at Trinity Point. It might be possible that this is a
grid addition that facilitates the unification of the "City of the
Risen...winged?" area.
Google Earth file: RAMAH ANGEL.kmz. Shows the "Green Man" image of a winged
native holding a Child/Skull/Head. The Child has been given a wing. (Note the
wing reference at the end of Storm Waters notice below: "And if there's one
thing I could do for you... I'd make you an angel's wing in Heaven Blue." This
is a new World-Soul appearance of importance; it works as a crop formation would
but this is a larger download. The Wing/Feathers spiritual dynamic is previously
found in the Egyptian Dendera temple ceiling (feathered crown) and the
Judeo-Christian mysteries (Abara, bara-sheth bara, etc.).
The Bakhira Grid.kmz shows the grid as coded on the Westford Knight stone from
the 1398 CE grid reboot mission including the Ruta link at 49N, 29W. The
principle native sacred areas are in the "City of the Risen" area of the Bakhira
grid organizing this side of the Planetary/Racial "brain."
http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/Knight02b.pdf Knight carved in stone, 1398 CE
mission. Eastern seeding codes in the Arkhom (Gamiish) Grid. Arkhom powers up
the Bakhira. This schematic is the north western half of the Bakhira grid.
Rebooting anticipated the formation of the IROQUOIS CONFED. and the creation of
nations needed for the Ascension and expansion of the World Soul right brain.
This Plan has existed many thousands of years.
The Marmre Icarus Azalah Grids.kmz shows the World Soul (Gaia/Racial Mind/Soul)
forebrain systems: Icarus grid prior to the 9-11 generation of the MESSIANIC
GRID and Azalah grid forebrain expansion needed to ground and process the
Messianic system (note significance also of the Gulf War(s)... previously
commented on).
(Copies of Tones' grid in the Ramah, NM area available on request.)
Your version is as valid as mine and should be developed if you have the time.
The "Green Man Effect" is an interaction between the human and elemental states
of being. If a human focuses on a tree, water, fire, et al (the main elements
are more effective for interaction) then the elementals will respond by forming
a mutual thought-form that the human (and elemental) mutually relate to and the
human sees it (most often) as a face in vegetation... trees are the most
sensitive to the human foci. The face/head is also a critical energetic and
consciousness dynamic... "Resh" (Chief Head Stone) situations. However this
same dynamic occurs in large areas where all three realms (angelic, human,
devic) are involved. We will see images in landscapes including roads and
buildings. Three very important examples are Mary Caine's Glastonbury Zodiac,
Elizabeth Van Buren's Rennes le Chateau Zodiac, and Tom Graham's horse and rider
(Time Gate/Pillar) at Edinburgh.
Since you are closely attuned to these sites as well as the larger UK/European
grids your finding one in the "City of the Risen" area of the Bakhira Grid (re
the Westford Knight and Sinclair 1398 mission to the Americas) would represent a
right forebrain (Europe) to right brain (Americas) in the Bakhira or Metatronic
state of being. I do the same thing in reverse from the US to Europe/UK.
Your seeing the object being carried as a skull and/or head, my seeing it as a
new child, are connected with the New Race/DNA as working via the Chief Head
Stone (symbols: decapitated Head, the skull being the same but relating to this
Continuum reality, created to form the New Race/DNA). The Lion connection, in
THAT context relates to Leo and Mazuriel as the power, function within Leo. The
Lion relates to the Edinburgh Pole and the Child to the Glastonbury Zodiac:
http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/GridGlastonNoachOrion01.pdf note the
Glastonbury Child in Noach's Ark. There is a vital Templar mystery involved and
one that is timely as of this last month and the Rosslyn Heart-Stone direct line
to the Hawaiian Roil/Royale pole on 21 June.
TEMPLAR HEAD AND NUMBER "1058": I've commented before on this number carved on a
silver woman's head. I've also seen the number on the physical full moon as a
vision in the physical, it stayed very stable for about 15 minutes. Earlier I
saw the woman's head on a non-physical full moon; this was a part of a "Dweller
on the Threshold" (Lillith) function... this sometimes kills people, it almost
did me. Usually the DotT event is intense but not that much; also it can last
centuries if large units of the World Soul are involved... same event but
different levels. A male and female moon are involved in the physical as well as
non-physical. The "58" spells Noach in one direction and Chen (Grace) in the
other but all 3 chen-forms are implied. (NOACH and NOT "Noah") Gen 9:11-29 is
critical to Templar knowledge and function but it has to be translated and the
metaphysical meanings used.
We are presently (our Crestone group and Carol's Ark work included, in Wyoming)
involved in finding Noah and the Ark/Arc involved in advanced Ark work and
systems. Apparently the Sinclair Templars knew this, that we are presently
rediscovering and being told about, but probably upgraded. The "ARC in the
CLOUD" is basicaly the Cloud as formed with the Ark and the Arc within it is the
Nuur (Bethlehem) angle cup or arc as used in the Reshel and presumably in the
Sinclair Arms/Shield.
There are perhaps 3 dozen major vectors coming into focus within the past month
or two. Many involving the Ark(s) dynamic replacing the Ark of the Covenant. I
feel that the RAM-AH dynamic is acting as a crop formation would but is larger
and probably more important in the larger perspective. This is also judging by
the various leys coming through that area... there are probably more, I just
looked at some obvious ones. These inputs are ostensibly going to also emerge in
the July- Sept. workshops in the East Coast, including the Longest Walk
completion, as part of a much larger World Soul repolarization and expansion. (I
noted the events touching on the Sinclair 1398 mission in different ways.)