News |
09/09/2016 | |
Aslackby article now up off the KT tab. Old Knights Templar haunt in deepest South Lincolnshire showing familiar landscape geometry that is becoming the norm at these sites ...or just coincidence if you believe in such things.A full reccy m... Read more... |
21/03/2016 | |
Hi All, Sorry there hasn't been any new research for a while, 3d has my full focus at the moment but I am hoping to get something uploaded later in the spring. In the meantime take a look at another great website along the lines of TM ....... Read more... |
12/04/2015 | |
New article now up in the Temple Bruer section, off the KT tab.......Temple of Romulus and Remus at Coleby Hall..Just off the main axis....It looks to have been positioned sympathetically within the landscape geometrics for good reason, with a distan... Read more... |
28/12/2014 | |
Temple Herdewycke article now uploaded with graphics in the KT section ......Site exploration planned for 2015. I've also this year managed to get the best picture to date showing the winter solstice setting sun position at Temple Bruer....Sun sets ... Read more... |
03/08/2014 | |
Article now added to the GP revelation in the Vaults section....Temple Herdewycke study now in progress.... Read more... |
22/02/2014 | |
I recently decided to take a fresh look at the GP dynamics ...and found some new alignments that appear to be quite revealing. The new article can be found in the Vaults section under Great Pyramid.... Read more... |
11/10/2013 | |
More articles added to the Collioure section .... Read more... |
22/09/2013 | |
New Collioure section off KT tab...Grid uploaded.Knights Templar fort and famous artists to be uncovered..more soon.... Read more... |
09/09/2013 | |
Hi Everyone.
My apologies for being away for a while….3d commitments and a trip to Rennes le Chateau diverted my focus…Monthly updates should now be back to normal. Following the Rlc trip .
Chatsworth/ Temple Normanton arti... Read more... |
06/02/2013 | |
More films uploaded in the new TM film section There a Holistic Geometric Pattern in the Land... Read more... |
21/01/2013 | |
Film section now up and running under ‘A Personal Invitation’ the Knights Templar Tab.
This section covers inspiring and educational films made by private individuals not tied to the consumer based psychopathic media monop... Read more... |
17/01/2013 | |
Robert Brown has been in touch regarding his research on landscape patterns around Sele...see his new web site a link below:<... Read more... |
12/01/2013 | |
4 New articles added to Southwell Minster section off KT tab...More soon.... Read more... |
25/08/2012 | |
Temple Normanton grid and Chatsworth grid uploaded in KT section...field trip pictures of notable points and some google earth graphics to follow soon...Great system !... Read more... |
07/07/2012 | |
Basic grid graphics for Southwell Minster now uploaded in KT section... Read more... |
01/05/2012 | |
Beltane!......More Dunwich articles added to Dunwich section under KT tab.....Next project will be Temple Normanton in Derbyshire...Watch this space.... Read more... |
14/04/2012 | |
New article under KT tab....Dunwich...Old Knights Templar site on Suffolk coast.... Read more... |
21/12/2011 | |
New article under KT tab.....Landscape study of the ' Pyramids of Bosnia '...My apologies for lack of new articles the past 6 months ..Personal issues and a move to Temple Bruer took their toll....Fate it would seem is not without a sense of irony, g... Read more... |
13/06/2011 | |
New article in Bruer section off KT tab.....Francis Dashwood and the Illuminati
Read more... |
05/06/2011 | |
New article in the London Inner City state section, off KT Tab. Detailing the synchronistic route taken for the Royal Wedding around the London Penta.... Read more... |
23/05/2011 | |
Read more... |
04/02/2011 | |
Small new article for ‘London Inner City State - Temple church’ section off KT tab
Titled :
Buckingham Palace Numerics - Noting some interesting numeric values discovered within the ground design at the front of the Palac... Read more... |
01/02/2011 | |
Revised London Temple articles are now back up under KT tab. New Google Earth Graphics show the inner workings of the Westminster Penta.
Is There a Holistic Geometric Pattern in the Landscape near you? Read more... |
11/01/2011 | |
Introducing the Zeitgeist Movement.
11/1/11 ........all the ones.....What better time to start a new push forward.
From today Templar Mechanics will be supporting the Worldwide Zeitgeist Movement for planetary change. Read more... |
11/01/2011 | |
In line with the new Zeitgeist promotion on TM I have decided to look at London Inner City state.
Here resides the internal organs of the Bankster money cartels as well as the administration centres for Wars and resource theft... Read more... |
11/11/2010 | |
New section in links detailing Dan Winters research. Is There a Holistic Geometric Pattern in the Landscape near you?
From 10th October 2009 I will be offering a new service: To research any location worldwide to s... Read more... |
10/11/2010 | |
Temple Hirst article can now be found under the KT tab detailing landscape geometry recently discovered in North Yorkshire, England ..along with a cygnus constellation depiction on the ground. Is There a Holistic Geometric Pattern in th... Read more... |
19/09/2010 | |
A list of related books has been compiled and placed under the KT tab in the 'Personal Invitation' section. ...Many of which have already been read by TM . If you would like to go deeper into the rabbit hole you could do worse than curling up by the ... Read more... |
05/09/2010 | |
Another Bruer article loaded up under KT tab, this time detailing the pagan alignments that make up the 'Cocked Hat' and the part it plays in Bruers geometry .... Read more... |
02/08/2010 | |
Earth Moon and Pythagoras article now loaded up in the Bloxholm section off KT tab…..Time for new pastures….Working now on a new Templar site , watch this space.... Read more... |
01/08/2010 | |
New article added to the Temple Bruer / Bloxholm section regarding the floor design in Bloxholm church titled……… ‘Bloxholm Church’. ... Read more... |
31/07/2010 | |
New article in the Temple Bruer section off KT tab regarding an amusing manifestation at the Bruer hamlet…titled ‘Ermine Street sign’. ... Read more... |
25/04/2010 | |
More articles added to Bloxholm /Temple Bruer section off KT tab…and more to follow.Is There a Holistic Geometric Pattern in the Landscape near you?
From 10th October 2009 I will be offering a new service: To research any loca... Read more... |
05/04/2010 | |
New Bloxholm article added to Temple Bruer section detailing the 345 discoveries. …..Dont miss this one. More Bloxholm articles to be added soon .... Read more... |
21/03/2010 | |
TM is currently investigating the deeper mysteries of Bloxholm .
Just when you think there can’t be anymore to discover then life surprises you. Bloxholm geometrics and its deeper underlying mystery is nothing short of astounding. ... Read more... |
21/12/2009 | |
New article in the Temple Bruer section off Knights Templar tab…….. Bloxholm , Seated Isis in the landscape. Is There a Holistic Geometric Pattern in the Landscape near you?
From 10th October 2009 I will be offering a n... Read more... |
27/11/2009 | |
Templar Mechanics has now started producing Hi RESOLUTION Sacred Geometry prints of all the magical locations featured on the TM web site. Each print is individually signed by Templar Mechanics. TM has also decided to start printing some of the geom... Read more... |
22/11/2009 | |
New 5.15 grid found around a Templar stronghold on the West Coast of Scotland…Eglinton/Glengarnock Castle…see relative section off the Knights Templar tab Is There a Holistic Geometric Pattern in the Landscape near you?
F... Read more... |
11/11/2009 | |
New section under the Knights Templar tab detailing the landscape discoveries of Robert Brown …….The Secret Of Sele.... Read more... |
19/10/2009 | |
New article under Knights Templar tab ….."The Blankney Enigma "…more serendipity …see Temple Bruer section Is There a Holistic Geometric Pattern in the Landscape near you? From 10th October 2009 I will be offering a new servi... Read more... |
10/10/2009 | |
Is There a Holistic Geometric Pattern in the Landscape near you?
From 10th October 2009 I will be offering a new service: To research any location worldwide to see if a geometric pattern exists in the landscape surrounding your area of ... Read more... |
01/10/2009 | |
' Historical Links' added to the Llangollen section along with ' Exploring the Grid' article
2009 Convention of Alternative
Archaeology and Earth Mysteries
Sunday Oct. 4th 2009
10.15am – 6.30pm Read more... |
30/09/2009 | |
2009 Convention of Alternative
Archaeology and Earth Mysteries
Sunday Oct. 4th 2009
10.15am – 6.30pm
At Poundbury, Dorchester,
in Dorset, England
The 6th annual assembly bringing together
... Read more... |
15/09/2009 | |
Llangollen Grid is now complete with articles in the KT section .
The Llangollen Light Wholistic Festival team are now in the final stages of preparation for their second event this year, scheduled to be held at Llangollen Town Hall on... Read more... |
09/09/2009 | |
New Templar grid found at Llangollen ,N Wales………mystical area of Celtic mythology. Graphics uploaded off Knights Templar tab…article to follow.... Read more... |
05/08/2009 | |
Links section has a new link focusing on Middle and far East sacred geometry….titled Islamic Geometry .
Below is a small introduction to a new dvd soon to be released based on the research of Dan Green
We... Read more... |
29/07/2009 | |
A possible henge has been discovered within the Temple Bruer pentacle dynamics. The henge sits very well in the established geometry of the area, being nestled into the corner of a 3 , 4, 5 Pythagorean triangle which makes up the East Arm of the pent... Read more... |
22/06/2009 | |
Temple Bruer summer solstice sunrise alignment has now been noted and photographed. As previously thought the lane leading from the church marks both the winter solstice sunset position and the summer solstice sunrise….please see Knights Templar /Te... Read more... |
01/05/2009 | |
William Buehler has kindly allowed TM to upload direct links to his vast Reshel pdf base. Great work.... Read more... |
09/04/2009 | |
More links added in the 'Grand design ' section as well as a new category…' Templars and the New World', detailing some interesting discoveries from over the pond. Many thanks to Hugo for passing them on.... Read more... |
03/03/2009 | |
Rennes Le Chateau 5.15 system graphics can now be viewed in the Knights Templar section…….One article describes how the Rlc 5.15 penta geometry may have been encoded in the infamous Les Bergers d’ Arcadia by Nicolas Poussin.
The geometr... Read more... |
14/02/2009 | |
Lundy Island geometry now uploaded off the Knights Templar tab. Lundy has a fascinating history linked to Pirates and the Knights Templar.
2009 Convention of Alternative
Archaeology and Earth Mysteries
Sunday Oct... Read more... |
06/02/2009 | |
New link for 'Grand Design' section off links tab. Many thanks to Hugo Kennes for passing it on.
2009 Convention of Alternative
Archaeology and Earth Mysteries
Sunday Oct. 4th 20... Read more... |
05/02/2009 | |
New revised John Dee article in the Temple Bruer section
2009 Convention of Alternative
Archaeology and Earth Mysteries
Sunday Oct. 4th 2009
10.15am – 6.30pm
At Poundbury, Dorchester,
i... Read more... |
04/02/2009 | |
2009 Convention of Alternative
Archaeology and Earth Mysteries
Sunday Oct. 4th 2009
10.15am – 6.30pm
At Poundbury, Dorchester,
in Dorset, England
The 6th annual assembly bringing together
... Read more... |
29/01/2009 | |
New Harmston church article in the Temple Bruer section off KT tab. Harmston church is situated at the top of the Bruer Penta and has some interesting geometric window designs as well as numerical enigmas.... Read more... |
22/01/2009 | |
Winter solstice alignment at Bruer posted in Knights Templar section.... Read more... |
18/01/2009 | |
New ‘ Welcome’ page, along with a revised ‘Sacred Geometry and Grids’ article.... Read more... |
17/01/2009 | |
New section in ' Links' acknowledging the great geometric patterns found in nature….Titled ' The Grand Design'... Read more... |
28/12/2008 | |
New graphics and articles uploaded in 'Vaults' section detailing the enigmatic area known as ' The Burren ' in SW Ireland.... Read more... |
19/12/2008 | |
New images uploaded in the Royston Cave section showing all the cave carvings through 360 degrees….23 images in total. St Catherine is there with her wheel along with Masonic, pagan, druid and Knights Templar imagery. Many believe the Cave was create... Read more... |
14/12/2008 | |
List of sites involved in the Royston Cave Grid now posted under the Knights Templar tab along with another article detailing the trip down to Cambridgeshire to explore the grid dynamics and the many synchronistic events that ensued at the various po... Read more... |
13/12/2008 | |
After further investigation into the work of Alfonso Rubino I have decided to dedicate a major section to his work on the Links page. One article shows the diagram of a Dial drawn by John Dee.... Read more... |
12/12/2008 | |
New category in 'Links' acknowledging Hugo Kennes research into landscape geometry. Hugo has also contributed an interesting link in the Cymatics section relating to the pyramids.... Read more... |
19/11/2008 | |
New section in ‘links’ relating to Cymatics. The study of Cymatics is very connected to the Templar Mechanics research. If vibration/frequency can manifest form/shape then it’s possible the geometric patterns found in the landscape are also resonatin... Read more... |
18/11/2008 | |
New graphics under the Temple Bruer section showing the updated 5.15 geometry .
Some excellent drawings from Francis Dashwood's archive showing the original geometric plans for his Dunston Pillar creation.
As can be seen from the drawin... Read more... |
09/09/2008 | |
A recent trip to Royston cave has led to a 5.15 system being discovered in the landscape, after studying the local OS map on our return. The grid is very large and takes in all the Templar sites locally including - Royston Cave, Denny Abbey and Great... Read more... |
01/09/2008 | |
La Rochelle grid now uploaded under Knights Templar tab, article to follow. A permanent new link added - ' The Quest' an excellent on going study of the Knights Templars involvement in and around sacred sites of Britain and Europe.... Read more... |
16/08/2008 | |
Templar Mechanics has recently been approached by Sky television and the possible appearance on a program airing alternative views and perspectives on popular subjects. Another media group called ' Classic Media' has also been in touch and sent some ... Read more... |
08/08/2008 | |
Completed article to go with the Lindisfarne graphic now uploaded along with many pics…including the Ufo orbs that turned up at Lowick near the conjuction point of two major penta lines.... Read more... |
08/08/2008 | |
William Buehler's thoughts on Templar ports can now be found under the metatronic section, off the Knights Templar tab.... Read more... |
31/07/2008 | |
Dan Green has produced a small Youtube video about Temple Bruer preceptory..Introduction by Dan along with cut and paste link below.'Dan Green visits the Tower at the Temple Bruer Preceptory
in this, the first ever Youtube at Bruer, to re... Read more... |
28/07/2008 | |
William Buehler's thoughts on the recently discovered Isle of Wight system and the Ramah figure now in the Reshel section off the Knights Templar tab. Bills artwork and other graphics to be added soon to the articles.... Read more... |
22/07/2008 | |
Articles now added to Ramah New Mexico grid in the vaults section.... Read more... |
08/07/2008 | |
Articles now uploaded in the 'vaults section showing Isle of Wight and Isle of Man grid mechanics. Graphics also loaded showing the Ramah, New Mexico grid and the image in the landscape…..More Ramah grid graphics and article to follow soon.... Read more... |
28/06/2008 | |
New grids uploaded for the Isle of Man and Isle of Wight. Both can be found in the vaults section. Another grid nearing completion is Ramah New Mexico USA. Ramah is located near an ancient Zuni Indian Reservation .Some great surprises with this grid,... Read more... |
12/05/2008 | |
Bisham Abbey graphic now uploaded under Knights Templar section.Medmenham Abbey sits on the same axis line as Bisham Abbey,being on the circumference of the 5.15 circle. Francis Dashwood's house at West Wycombe falls on the circumference of another c... Read more... |
10/05/2008 | |
5.15 graphics for Edinburgh and Lindisfarne now uploaded, see Knights Templar section. Updated graphics for Temple Ewell and Tara... Read more... |
06/05/2008 | |
Dan Green has recently made a new discovery relating to Sauniere's model…finding a correlation in its design to the layout of the area around Lincoln Cathedral…detail and link below 'Further similarities between the mystery of RLC and its c... Read more... |
05/05/2008 | |
New 5.15 systems now found at Lindisfarne and Glastonbury, the system also merging with the nearby Temple Combe grid. Temple Cloud is also involved. Bisham Abbey graphic linking in with Medmenham Abbey will be posted later this week along with the L... Read more... |
12/02/2008 | |
New graphic under Knights Templar tab -Temple Bruer 5.15 geometry updated…New geometry has been discovered tieing in further Dashwoods Pillar…which sits on the squaring of the Bruer circle. Also I had a dream recently in which I was ... Read more... |
31/01/2008 | |
Temple Combe 5.15 geometry added to the Knights Templar section.... Read more... |
26/01/2008 | |
Temple Ewell 5.15 geometry can now be seen under the Knights Templar section….along with an article relating to the area... Read more... |
07/01/2008 | |
Temple Sowerby article added to graphic Viking Way article added to Temple Bruer section, describing the synchronistic route of the path with the Lincs grid system. Jackie Queally of Templar Trails is arranging "light work" sessio... Read more... |
04/01/2008 | |
William Buehler, retired US Navy commander and respected world wide authority on consciousness grids, shares his thoughts on the grids discovered in Lincolnshire. E mails between the two of us along with some graphic illustrations give another dimens... Read more... |
03/01/2008 | |
Graphic added to the ‘18 churches in alignment’ article off Templar tab.... Read more... |
02/01/2008 | |
Hell Fire club’s involvement in the Temple Bruer geometry is noted in two articles off the ‘Templar tab’. Francis Dashwood founder of the Hell fire club living nearby at Nocton Hall, and responsible for the erection of the inland lighthouse known as ... Read more... |
02/01/2008 | |
Ashby Hall TB5 Graphic now added to Ashby article off Knights Templar tab in the Temple Bruer section.... Read more... |
01/01/2008 | |
A recent trip to RLC proved fruitful and more RLC graphics are being prepared . A book is now to be produced on the 5.15 system. Any publisher interested in taking this unique, fascinating project on should contact Tony …at the e mail - en... Read more... |
21/12/2007 | |
5.15 Malta system now discovered…..graphic being prepared.... Read more... |
01/12/2007 | |
Eran Bauer KT from Ashby hall has fowarded some interesting graphics showing aerial photography of Temple Bruer with overlays of the original layout of the medieval settlement nearby…see Temple Bruer off Knights Templar tab... Read more... |
13/10/2007 | |
Interesting link has been forwarded to Templar Mechanics regarding the personal experiences and research of Dan Green from the Lincoln DaVinci Code web site .
The author shares with us below his interesting discoveries within Lincoln Cat... Read more... |
04/10/2007 | |
Articles now added to the Temple Rockley graphics TR2 and TR3 .... Read more... |
02/10/2007 | |
New link to a medieval poem written at Temple Bruer for its commander…link to article in Temple Bruer section off Knights Templar tab.... Read more... |
15/08/2007 | |
New graphics for Temple Rockley. TR2,TR3 now uploaded along with an article for TR1, describing in more detail the bigger picture around Temple Rockley.Articles to follow for TR2and TR3.... Read more... |
01/07/2007 | |
New graphics loaded …5.15 geometry …Temple Sowerby, Temple Rockley/Avebury and Roslin. Articles will be attached to these images in due course ,along with pictures and more graphics. Avebury/Temple Rockley will have an 'inner sanctum' graphic and th... Read more... |
26/06/2007 | |
Another study of landscape geometry, this time around the old Knights Templar site at Temple Rockley in Wiltshire .The 5.15 system is present in the area, even the spacing of certain ' White Horse' cliff carvings adhere to the 5.15 measure. Avebury l... Read more... |
17/06/2007 | |
Oddvar Olsen, from ' The Temple Booklet', see links page... has contacted Templar Mechanics regarding a special event later this yearKnights Templar Commemoration12-14th October 2007 Ramada Plaza Hotel, Temple Meads, Bri... Read more... |
16/06/2007 | |
A successful trip to Rennes le Chateau to research a unique 5.15 based system has revealed many new angles to the mystery . One being the 5.15 radius measure discovered between RLC and Blanchefort. All the major points on the axis line were dowsed... Read more... |
15/05/2007 | |
Templar Mechanics has now reached its first birthday . Lots of free thinkers have contributed to the mechanics quest of trying to get a better understanding of this reality, whats behind it and how it works, by going beyond our limited perceptions vi... Read more... |
15/05/2007 | |
A recent trip to Iona in Scotland revealed 5.15 based geometry , both on the Isle of Mull and Iona. Mull has Templar links being one of the places of refuge sought out by the Templars after fleeing France.... Read more... |
27/04/2007 | |
Two new links off links tab….vortex maps , a great research site for earth grid work... and awuga bunnies…. offering a feast for mind …much food for thought here , and great to see other connections to the 5.15 enigma..... Read more... |
14/04/2007 | |
A pattern seems to be developing around a sacred measure / distance which started with the Temple Bruer circles.All the Lincolnshire sites are showing the same measure/circle radius ...this is incredible in itself and has since been found t... Read more... |
04/04/2007 | |
New geometry has now been found at Rosslyn, Avebury and near Penrith….all have templar links .... Read more... |
28/03/2007 | |
Articles now added to the new geometry area graphics ….under Bruer tab - Knights Templar areas of Willoughton and Maltby. Under Synchronicity tab….Hagworthingham and Tetford , both these areas showing signs of very early settlements with ma... Read more... |
27/03/2007 | |
More ley/landscape geometry has now been discovered in Lincolnshire. Two of the new sites are also connected to the Knights Templar…one at Maltby, North East of the Bruer complex and also Willoughton…North of Bruer. The diagrams for these Templar rel... Read more... |
03/03/2007 | Update |
Jackie Queally from Templar Trails is travelling down to present a talk on the Knights Templar and their involvement in earth energies…full details below. The talk is to be held near the centre of the Pentagram at: WELLINGORE MEMORIAL HALL... Read more... |
03/03/2007 | Update |
Interesting developments at Templar Mechanics. A recent healthy communication with Jackie Queally, from Templar Trails based near Rosslyn ( see links), has led to many new and very knowledgeable contacts/people coming to aid Templar Mechanics quest... Read more... |
22/01/2007 | Update |
Dunston Pillar article has now been loaded onto the site with geometry comments, some background history on the inland lighthouse and a few pics.... Read more... |
13/01/2007 | Update |
NEW section under link menu relating to the Hell Fire Club and Sir Francis Dashwood , also a new section on Knights Templar and their involvement in Earth energy/grids….Metaphysical Earth Grids... Read more... |
11/01/2007 | Update |
New article started 'Dunston Pillar'…..Which was built by Sir Francis Dashwood during his infamous Hell Fire club years whilst living at Nocton Hall. The geometry is interesting with the placing of the inland lighthouse/pillar looking to be intention... Read more... |
12/12/2006 | Update |
New article under ' Bruer ' tab , Tunnel excavations part 2, detailing discoveries during excavations at the preceptory.... Read more... |
11/11/2006 | Update |
New article under synchronicity/coincidence tab….Power and Influence Within The Pentacle…Royal and Political movers and shakers interacting with the geometry….An Elite club was formed , 'The Lincoln Club' and met regularly at the left arm of the pent... Read more... |
26/10/2006 | Update |
Two new articles in ' Synchronicity and Coincidence' section relating to the Ashby Hall geometry….see map TB 5 and the 18 churches in alignment see map TB 4.... Read more... |
10/10/2006 | Update |
New category in links section titled…' Templar tunnels'…the first set of links is about Hertford, and the tunnels recently found under the town. Many thanks to Callum Jensen of Lincoln Da Vinci Code for passing them on. Two other new links , one to'... Read more... |
06/10/2006 | Update |
First excavation article by WH St. John Hope ,Esq.M.A from 1908 has been uploaded onto the site under the Bruer tab.There will be 4 parts to the excavation report. This first part is an introduction dealing with other sites that had been excavated ... Read more... |
26/09/2006 | Update |
Web stats for Templar Mechanics are showing regular visitors from all over the world . Big Hello to the visitors from North America.. who visit most days to see how Templar Mechanics is getting on ;-)... Read more... |
09/09/2006 | Update |
Eran Bauer from Ashby Hall has kindly forwarded some interesting drawings of a tunnel system found under the preceptory when it was excavated in the 1800's and again in 1906…..these will be uploaded soon under the ' Temple Bruer ' tab. Details of the... Read more... |
08/08/2006 | Update |
New link added - ' vortex maps'……lots of information here on earth grids….well woth a visit especially the link to Nova Scotia….with its well known Templar connections.... Read more... |
07/07/2006 | links |
Some great new links in the link section,….Boris + Sharkstooth and a great site recommended by Crichton Miller regarding the discovery of a Norwegian pentagram.... Read more... |
26/06/2006 | Feedback |
The initial response has been good and templar mechanics is now being discussed on other web sites. People have been very accepting of mechanics and its theories. I would like to thank all the people that have e-mailed since the site opened. New alig... Read more... |
12/06/2006 | Article |
Local article appears in newspaper. Unfortunately the local paper drew its own map of the heath geometry, resulting in a badly deformed image of the true pentacle. Article states 'Grail secret' which also has nothing to do with the geometry….'Expert'... Read more... |
06/06/2006 | Lincs echo |
Local newspaper' Lincolnshire Echo' arranges to meet TM at the preceptory for local article.... Read more... |
04/05/2006 | Site Launched |
Templar Mechanics has just floated, with your input and support I hope to continue investigating the mystery of the Temple Bruer geometry. Please e mail any information you think would be of interest....however coincidental or synchronistic.
Muc... Read more... |
Contact | |
Please send all enquiries,comments,opinions to e mail address listed at the bottom of each page.... Read more... |
Winter solstice sunset Temple Bruer.![]() Read more... |
This site is © 2008-2011 Templar Mechanics. All rights reserved. Materials must not be reproduced without prior consent of Templar Mechanics. Any unauthorised reproduction or copying of its content will result in legal action being taken. |
For all enquiries, please e-mail |